CPS And Union League Boys and Girls Clubs Of Chicago Partner for Summer Baseball / Softball League!
Join us for another incredible summer of baseball and softball as students (5th-8th grade) all across CPS and the Union League Boys and Girls Club of Chicago (ULBGC) develop their skills and compete in the sports they love. The program begins the second week of July (details in registration).
**This is a separate program from the CPS Summer Sports Skills Camps offered across the District.
Games will be played on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Game times are 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Uniforms, and equipment, will be provided by Chicago Public Schools’ Office of Sports Administration (OSA) and the Union League Boys and Girls Clubs(ULBGC) at no cost to the parents or guardians of the student-athlete.
Please forward all questions regarding the CPS/ULBGC Summer Baseball League to Mr. Antwione Allen, phone #:773-699-4345; email: aallen2@cps.edu: or Mr. Antonio Artis phone #; 773-260-2190 – Email: aartis@cps.edu.
Through this program, we look forward to continuing to provide development opportunities in baseball and softball across the city of Chicago for our elementary student-athletes.

Skill Development
Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills across fastpitch softball and baseball with professional instructors across the city!
Students will have the opportunity to play the sport they love in a competitive league play format throughout the summer, providing hands-on game experience and instruction.

Program Flyer: